Monday, October 19, 2009

Flat Toes

In our congregation we have more than one elder, and yesterday, as in typical fashion, Elder Joshua Miller spoke from Galatians 4:11. " I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain."

By the time he was finished with the message, I was convinced I needed to re-examine my calling in the ministry. I was challenged to examine aspects of my shepherding that I had not considered in some time.

I consider myself very careful in my watch-care over the flock that God has entrusted in my care, however, I came to see myself as full of fault, and was convicted over various areas of service.

When I stand before the Lord, I want to hear the words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant..." I must always remember that I am dealing with the Bride of my Saviour Jesus Christ when I deal with each person in the congregation.

I have always said, "I could preach to 10,000, but I could only properly pastor about 200..." After yesterdays message, let us make that 100...To truly feed, to truly care, to truly watch must take my whole being. I don't want a soul to fall through the proverbial cracks at Emmanuel. We do not labor as ministers of the Gospel to see the work be in vain. Let us labor for the Glory of God, the good of the saints and the future reward that awaits the faithful minister of God.
Live Simply. Live Godly